Certain Uncertainty with Evan Leybourn – Dec 7, 2022

Join us for a meetup with Evan Leybourn for a launch of the new Domains of Business Agility.

Speaker: Evan Leybourn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/evanleybourn/?originalSubdomain=au

Where: Komerční banka, Náměstí Junkových 2772/1, Praha
Date: Dec 7, 2022, 4pm – 6:00pm
Registration: bit.ly/kb_certain_uncertainty

Topic:  Certain Uncertainty
No matter what the future brings.
These 6 words are the heart of business agility – but they are also an invitation. Does your organization have the freedom, flexibility, and resilience to achieve its purpose – no matter what the future brings?And to complicate matters; it is a continuum, where the question is not whether you have it, but rather how much you have and is it enough?

There aren’t many of them, but those organizations who can answer yes to these questions can instinctively seize emerging and unforeseen opportunities for their customers’ benefit. But copying their processes isn’t going to help you. There is no single framework, method, or system that can create business agility — and, by definition, because an organization is a complex adaptive system, there can never be one. In many cases, even different business units within the same organization need different approaches.

Yet, while no two organizations follow the same journey, common patterns of behavior emerge.

In this briefing, we will explore these patterns and introduce the latest version of the Domains of Business Agility. A cultural operating model for your organization consisting of 5 primary domains spanning 18 emergent business capabilities.

Agile Open Café – Prague, September 5, 2018

Next Agile Open cafe at Prague will be on Wednesday, September 5, 2018. Join us and share your experiences, ask questions, discuss.

Topic: How do you recognize you are Agile?
When: Wednesday, 5.9.2018, 6:30pm
Where: Kavárna Alibi, Svatovítská 6,  Praha 6

Please register at info@agilniasociace.cz

Tags: Agile, Scrum, Open Cafe, Prague, Meet up

Agile Open Café – Prague, June 14, 2018

Next Agile Open cafe at Prague will be on Thursday, June  14, 2018. Join us and share your experiences, ask questions, discuss.

Topic: Talent Development – How do you work with ScrumMasters, Product Owners, Scrum teams?
When: Thursday, 14.6.2018, 6:30pm
Where: Kavárna Alibi, Svatovítská 6,  Praha 6

Please register at info@agilniasociace.cz

Tags: Agile, Scrum, Open Cafe, Prague, Meet up

Agile Open cafe – Brno June 7th

Next Agile Open cafe at Brno will be on Thursday, April 7th, 2018. Join us and share your experiences, ask questions, discuss.
Topic: Technology in Agile Transformation
Speaker: Radek Falhar
When: Thursday, 7.6.2018, 6:00pm
Where: U Mamuta, Bašty 8, Brno
Please register at info@agilniasociace.cz

Agile Open Café – Brno, April 4th, 2018

Next Agile Open cafe at Brno will be on Wednesday, April 4th, 2018. Join us and share your experiences, ask questions, discuss.
Topic: 3 Different Agile Transformations 
Speaker: Tomáš Chlouba
When: Tuesday,, 6:00pm
Where: U Mamuta, Bašty 8, Brno
Please register at info@agilniasociace.cz

World Retrospectives Day – Better World With Retrospective

The event will take place on Tuesday, February 6th, 2018

Follow the Sun as we Retrospect Around the World. Our vision is to promote continuous improvement throughout the world by encouraging the adoption of retrospectives, by increasing the utility of retrospectives for people, teams, and organisations, and by sharing new ideas and insights with each other.

Topic: World Retrospectives Day – Better World With Retrospective
When: Tuesday, 6.2.2018, 5:30pm
Where: Café Záhorský, Eliášova 279/1, 160 00 Praha 6, http://www.cafezahorsky.cz

Please register at info@agilniasociace.cz

Agile Open Cafe – Brno 2018

Agile Open cafe has passed another successful year full of interesting topics, discussions, and contribution to the Agile community not only in Brno.

We asked the community for feedback and based on the feedback you can look forward to the interesting news this year.

The year 2018 will be dedicated to the Agile transformation – various experiences and points of view. There will be a dedicated speaker for each Open Cafe who will have a talk and will be answering questions. The facilitated discussion will follow after the opening talk. The event will happen at the beginning of the even month, see the schedule below.

Our goal is to continue with spreading of Agile mindset and sharing the hands-on experience.

See schedule and topics below. The table will be updated.

Date Topic Speaker
15.2.2018 Agile transformation I. TBA
4.4.2018 Agile transformation II. TBA
6.6.2018 Agile transformation III.. TBA
3.10.2018 Agile transformation IV. TBA
4.12.2018 Agile transformation V.. TBA

Looking forward to meet you!

Agile Open Café Brno 13th June – How cross-functional can the Agile team be? (Is UX part of team or not?)

Next Agile Open cafe at Brno will be on Tuesday, June 13th, 2017. Join us and share your experiences, ask questions, discuss.

There is moderated experience sharing and discussion of current topic during Open cafe. When the session is over there is free discussion and possilbe selection of topics for following seesions.

Topic: How cross-functional can the Agile team be? (Is UX part of team or not?)

When: Tuesday, 13/6/2017, 6:00pm
Where: U MamutaBašty 8, Brno

Please register at info@agilniasociace.cz

Tags: Agile, Scrum, Open Cafe, Brno, Meet up

April Open Cafe in Brno – Poor performer in Agile team. Is it even possible?

Really nice group of Brno agilists met at our usual venue last week on Tuesday. We are meeting regularly every second Tuesday every even month.

At first, we decided to run a small experiment, generate ideas and vote for topics for the evening. There were few suggestions and we agreed on: Dealing with poor performers in Agile team followed by User story slicing theme. The winner was the poor performer.

We have discussed in two groups for approx. 40 minutes. The discussion was very vital touching broad topics from general motivation, PO role, planning, etc.


When the discussion was finished the teams shared their thoughts across the entire group. Main takeaways are following:

There are several ‘types’ of poor performers e.g.:

  • ‘Too perfect’ type – searching for perfectness as his personal ‘defence’
  • Poor performance due to knowledge – general and domain
  • Unmotivated one

To avoid previous situations you might focus on:

  • Good communication of product vision from Product owner
  • Be open to development team suggestions
  • Good planning and understanding of Scrum Events
  • Open, supportive environment

And we have a role to make sure that all goes the right way, don’t we?

The feedback from individuals was very positive and there were voices marking this Brno Cafe even best ever 🙂 Hope we beat expectations again during next one on Tue 13th June. The topic for the evening is following – How cross-functional can the Agile team be?